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Insights for Sustainability

in Hospitality - I4SH


I4SH Student Program: Empowering the Next Generation of Sustainable Hospitality Leaders - An ESHClub Initiative

Welcome to the I4SH Student Program, an ESHClub initiative that promotes sustainable hospitality among university students. Our project "Insights for Sustainability in Hospitality" is designed to encourage new generations to find solutions and break down social barriers to be compassionate and collaborative.

We collaborate with universities to create an onsite and virtual space for education and brainstorming to find solutions to complex problems and industry-specific issues. Through this program, we aim to empower students to become sustainability champions in their future careers in hospitality.

As part of the program, students have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities, including:


  • Workshops and Seminars - Our workshops and seminars cover various topics related to sustainability in the hospitality industry. They are designed to provide students with a better understanding of sustainability principles and best practices.

A bus moving in the city
Student looking at his phone
  • Case Studies - Our case studies are focused on real-world examples of sustainability challenges in the hospitality industry. Students work in teams to analyze the case and develop practical solutions.

  • Internship and Career Opportunities - We collaborate with our industry partners to provide internship and career opportunities for students interested in pursuing a career in sustainable hospitality.

A group of students chatting


Students from different countries

We believe that the I4SH Student Program is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about sustainability, build their network, and gain practical experience in sustainable hospitality. Join us today and become a sustainability champion!

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