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ESHClub has a New Trusted Supplier: The End Coop

Writer's picture: MaribelMaribel

The ESHClub team is thrilled to present a new Trusted Supplier, The End Coop, a non-profit cooperative created to help organizations implement the SDGs, from self-employed workers who need advice for their customers, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, hoteliers. , restaurateurs, foundations, and non-profit organizations or international organizations.

They strongly believe that change is everyone's responsibility and in fact, they say "what is voluntary today will be punishable tomorrow, so it is better to take the road calmly and precisely".

As part of their commitment to sustainability and its continuous improvement, they are working following the United Nations SDGs, the 2030 Agenda, the 10 principles of the Global Compact, the Recovery, transformation, and resilience roadmap of the Spanish government, the EU Next Generation Plan, and the REACT-EU European Recovery Fund.

The End Coop, which was born on the back of the COVID-19 pandemic, is a cooperative of a group of highly committed professionals with the desire and enthusiasm to transform the world, making organizations and SMEs the main force for change.

They aim to transform SMEs into the engine of social change and their employees into its main supporters. In Spain, SMEs are the country's economic engine. Furthermore, SME's employ around 70% of the active population.

No meaningful changes can be made in a short term, especially if the improvements that we consider significant for SMEs involve a greater effort of profitability and future investments needed.

But what distinguishes them is their strong positivity and their optimism, as they believe in the power of people to change things, and now more than ever this is being demonstrated.

Solidarity, cooperation, sustainability, equality, and responsibility are concepts that are an indissoluble part of their DNA, which is why we ESHClub teams consider this bond between us and The End Coop to be very valuable.

We are aiming at both sides for a sustainable transformation, and we do so with the Sustainable Development Goals which set us very clear objectives and allow us to update our business models towards more responsible structures with their social and environmental impacts.

Without a long-term vision, thinking of future generations, and without a holistic vision of sustainability, we not only run the risk of not achieving the proposed goals but also of losing faith in the 2030 Agenda as a tool to transform an existing model.

Already mentioned several times, the 2030 Agenda is the result of the convergence of two previously separate processes: the path of the Millennium Development Goals and that of Sustainable Development.

Emerging from a series of international summits on various aspects of human development held in the 1990s, the MDG path was primarily concerned with social development, with the eradication of poverty as the main goal. The concept of sustainable development was introduced into the intergovernmental discussions during the 1992 Rio Summit in the context of the process focusing on the connection between development and the environment.

The contributions of both pathways have been summarized in the context of the post-2015 process to form a single, universal and global development agenda, now known as the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

The Open Working Group finalized and presented its proposal for a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals, along with a total of 169 associated Goals, in August 2014. In parallel, the Expert Committee on Financing produced a set of recommendations on financing sustainable development.

In August 2015, member states agreed on the final text of the new agenda titled "Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development". This text includes a Declaration, 17 SDGs, and 169 goals with minor changes and media components. implementation plan and global alliance and monitoring and review process. The name of the agenda has been changed to the 2030 agenda.

The 2030 agenda has been structured around 5 spheres: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships, and it is a set of 17 SDGs that were officially adopted by the summit on 25 September.

After the official adoption of the 2030 Agenda in September 2015, the SDGs entered into force on 1 January 2016 and must be achieved by 31 December 2030, while some objectives based on pre-established international agreements are expected to be achieved even earlier.

"We believe that sustainable transformation is possible in all sectors and spheres of life."

People are the real social engines. Above individual participation in solidarity projects, there is the group.

A more individualized society needs to feel part of something that causes change.



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