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Wellness, Health & Travel 2030: Regional and country outlook post-COVID19 Study.

European Countries Outlook

The study is the initiative of Health Tourism Worldwide with close cooperation with the Wellness Tourism Association, the International Medical Travel Journal, and the 41 international experts.

Дата создания

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Последнее обновление

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ключевые результаты

What you will learn from this read is: 1- The outcomes of the Wellness, Health & Travel 2030: Country & Regional Overview Post-pandemic Study.
2- In this study 41 wellness, healthcare and travel experts from 40 countries and regions provide a commentary over the global research data.
3- The experts applied and adapted the global and regional forecasts to their own country’s and field’s situation and formulated the trend relevant forecasts.

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